Tag Archive | Education

Abolish Private Schools, Or Why Britain Is Much More Left Wing Than America

“There’s been a neat little example of why my native Britain is a great deal more left wing than the United States is this past week. It comes from the reaction to a speculative piece at Slate which argues that private schools should be abolished. . . ”

Read the story at Forbes.com. . .

Forget about Education Reform, Just Burn the Schools

“There’s something we can all agree on: school sucks. Kids don’t like to go. But parents also think schools suck. Most parents aren’t happy with their kids’ school. Most parents think the state of schools at large is deteriorating. If there’s one thing everyone agrees on, it’s that there are problems in education. And you know what? We’re right.”

Read the story at Forbes.com. . .

This $7,000 Master’s Degree Is Scaring Colleges

“The Georgia Institute of Technology rocked the higher education world when it announced plans to offer a fully online master’s degree in computer science for roughly one-seventh the price of its on-campus equivalent – less than $7,000.”

Read the story at BusinessInsider.com. . .

School Is a Prison — and Damaging Our Kids

“Most people assume that the basic design of schools, as we know them today, emerged from scientific evidence about how children learn best. But, in fact, nothing could be further from the truth.”

Read the story at Salon.com. . .